Competition promoter| University Hospital – Joint Hospitals of Trieste

Site|Trieste, Cattinara

Theme of the Competition | Renovation and expansion of the Cattinara hospital and construction of the new headquarters of the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo

Participants|SBG&Partners biggiguerrini S.p.A. in association with:

HDR TMK – Lenzi Consultant s.r.l. – Enetec ingegneria energetica s.r.l.

Dimensions|15350 sqm


The object of the project is to conceive the new BURLO GAROFOLO in the surroundings of the Cattinara Hospital. The current pediatric clinic in the center of the city of Trieste will be closed and health activities will be transferred to this new building.

An important guiding principle of the aggregation of the two medical institutions is to use synergies with regard to diagnosis and treatment therapy. The BURLO GAROFOLO, through a distinctive and singular architecture, wants to be an evident sign able to characterize a pediatric center of excellence in Italy. At the same time, it wants to maintain a character of diversification from the context to be identified as a suitable place to welcome children.

In this context the environmental and landscape conditions in which the intervention is inserted must obviously be taken into consideration. On one side there is the presence of the Cattinara hospital complex, while the north side is delimited by small buildings and by the parish church. The planning of the Nuovo Burlo represents from an urbanistic point of view the element of passage from the great-height and remarkable architectures of the actual Cattinara hospital, up to the most minute scale of the buildings along via Fiume. In fact, the stepped morphology of the Nuovo Burlo favors the connecting role of the different neighboring architectures.